Friday, August 10, 2007


so i'm back blogging again. for those of you who don't know me, well, fuck you.

i('ve) maintain(ed) about four other blogs in this crowded expanse of the internet. what happened to those blogs? shit, that's easy... work got in the fucking way. so i decided to start another insignificant spec... THE PUNYETA CORP! BLOG.

yes, folks, ladies and gentlemen, children of various shapes, smells, and sizes, retards or not... this blog is all about me and the work that i do and how it slowly sinks every inch of me into boredom and mediocrity.

follow my adventures as i weasel my way out of every responsibility, routine meeting, KRA/ KPI reporting, and audit, while waiting for the perfect opportunity to bolt this hell hole or rant somebody out so i can have a bigger payday. watch my transformation from a seemingly innocent, driven, passionate, team member to an uncreative, unproductive, corporate buzzword-babbling, robotic employee.

welcome to my worklife, asshole.

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